My first book, FROGGY GETS DRESSED, was published in 1992. It is on the New York Public Library’s 100 Picture Books Everyone Should Know list, dating back to The Tale of Peter Rabbit. My latest Froggy book is FROGGY BUILDS A SNOWMAN (published 7 January 2020). My next book is FROGGY FOR PRESIDENT (due 12 May 2020).
Froggy is every kid. All the stories are based on true experiences I’ve had with my sons Aaron and Sean, and on some memories of my own growing up. I just exaggerate a little for humor. Kids who read the Froggy books will recognize a little of themselves, and be able to laugh at their own foibles.
Flop flop flop!
Born a “Navy brat” in Brooklyn, New York, Jonathan was raised on Naval stations throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico. Today he lives with his wife, Maureen, and near their two grown sons, Aaron (a top chef) and Sean (an animator), in semi-rural Northern California.
“My hobbies include hiking, kayaking, whale and bird watching, swimming and traveling. I lap swim every day, close to a mile, rain or shine, outdoors.You might say that, like Froggy, I’m an amphibian. I live almost as much in the water as out. But most of all, I like to make kids laugh.
Froggy is every kid, and he does what every kid does. You’ll see Froggy go to school, to the doctor, to camp, and on vacation. He plays sports, has sleepovers, plays with his friends, and goes to birthday parties. Go on an adventure with Froggy!
[/apress_heading][apress_spacer height=”20″][apress_info_list_wrapper conector_enable=”yes” conector_color=”#4cd964″][apress_info_list title=”Excite Your Students!” data_animation=”fadeInLeft” data_delay=”300″ icon_family=”fontawesome” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-book” icon_color=”#4cd964″ icon_border_color=”#4cd964″ box_shadow=”box_shadow_enable:enable|shadow_horizontal:0|shadow_vertical:5|shadow_blur:14|shadow_spread:0|box_shadow_color:rgba(0%2C0%2C0%2C0.1)” title_font_options=”tag:h3|font_size:20|color:%23333333|line_height:30|font_style_bold:1″ content_font_options=”tag:div”]I give my all. I read books of mine and encourage questions. Teachers and librarians should prepare students to ask questions. It could get noisy. There will be laughter.[/apress_info_list][apress_info_list title=”Focused And Fun” data_animation=”fadeInLeft” icon_family=”fontawesome” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-book” icon_color=”#4cd964″ icon_border_color=”#4cd964″ box_shadow=”box_shadow_enable:enable|shadow_horizontal:0|shadow_vertical:5|shadow_blur:14|shadow_spread:0|box_shadow_color:rgba(0%2C0%2C0%2C0.1)” title_font_options=”tag:h3|font_size:20|color:%23333333|line_height:30|font_style_bold:1″ content_font_options=”tag:div”]I prefer large groups to small (could be whole auditorium), and not more than two presentations per day.[/apress_info_list][apress_info_list title=”Fantastic Value” data_animation=”fadeInLeft” data_delay=”700″ icon_family=”fontawesome” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-book” icon_color=”#4cd964″ icon_border_color=”#4cd964″ box_shadow=”box_shadow_enable:enable|shadow_horizontal:0|shadow_vertical:5|shadow_blur:14|shadow_spread:0|box_shadow_color:rgba(0%2C0%2C0%2C0.1)” title_font_options=”tag:h3|font_size:20|color:%23333333|line_height:30|font_style_bold:1″ content_font_options=”tag:div”]My honorarium is negotiable. I sign books ( which should be ordered by the school). All I need is a table, a microphone (for very large groups only) and a bottle of water.[/apress_info_list][/apress_info_list_wrapper][apress_button button_text=”Contact Jonathan!” color_scheme=”design_your_own” button_bg_color=”rgba(82,149,234,0.01)” button_bg_color_h=”#4cd964″ button_border_color=”#4cd964″ button_border_color_h=”#4cd964″ button_hover_style=”hoverstyle4″ button_size=”design_your_own” padding_top_bottom=”20″ padding_right_left=”35″ button_alignment=”center” box_shadow=”box_shadow_enable:disable|shadow_horizontal:1|shadow_vertical:2|shadow_blur:4|shadow_spread:0|box_shadow_color:rgba(0%2C0%2C0%2C0.2)” button_google_fonts=”yes” button_text_color=”#333333″ button_text_color_h=”#ffffff” button_shape=”square” button_font_options=”letter_spacing:2″ button_custom_fonts=”font_family:Source%20Sans%20Pro%3A200%2C200italic%2C300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C600%2C600italic%2C700%2C700italic%2C900%2C900italic|font_style:600%20bold%20regular%3A600%3Anormal” button_link=”|title:Contact%20Jonathan||”]
Available as 11″ dolls with changeable clothing or 5.5″ backpack pulls from MerryMakers!